Friday, 28 March 2014

Marco Guizar- 5 Training Principles

I am Marco Guizar and I have founded my fitsom studios on the base of 5 training principles to provide strong foundation to stand the test of time. These 5 principles will bring amazing results in fitness of clients.
1.  SMR (Self-Myofascial Release)
You can start SMR at any time wherever you are standing at fitness spectrum. It has many benefits like
a.       aids in preventing injuries
  1. increases blood circulation
  2. helps rid knots and tightness
  3. improves joint function
  4. increases flexibility
  5. improves quality of muscle tissue
2.  DBA (Developing Body Awareness)
It includes complete awareness of things like correct body movement, shoulder alignment, straight feet, pelvic tilt and postures. Some tips like straight back and body movement will keep you free from joint pain and other body aches.
3. We facilitate PROGRAMS not WORKOUTS
General workouts are common thus, we provide proper experience on ongoing program to constantly push you and challenge you. This program will provide a prospect to use your muscles efficiently.
4.  FITSOM = A Fit State of Mind 
Cross the line of what you earlier used to do and what is outside of comfort zone, to analyze results. It will develop a healthy state of mind for assistance.
5.  You cannot out-train a bad diet!
Personal health is important because burning of calories will make you lethargic and less energized. We emphasize on proper diet and hydration for full potential.

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